Speakers' Corner

In questa pagina, tutti i lavori svolti con la nostra mitica teacher Pirrone!

Perchè questo nome? Lo Speakers' Corner (in italiano "angolo degli oratori") è un'area dell'angolo nord orientale di Hyde Park, a Londra, vicino a Marble Arch e al luogo dove sorgeva il patibolo di Tyburn. È un luogo tradizionale di discorsi pubblici e dibattiti, specialmente la domenica mattina, dove chiunque può esprimere la propria opinione!

[by secondaellebra]

Esperienze linguistiche nella nostra classe! Visita anche le sezioni English everywhere e English everyday!

A day with an Australian girl...

Last October we had a girl from Australia in our classroom and we had an English conversation with her.

Her name is Elizabeth.

On the first day she introduced herself and asked the classroom personal information as “What's your name? How old are you? Have you got any brothers or sisters?"

And we answered in English, of course!

We asked Elizabeth personal questions.

Her surname is Mantynem. Her surname is Finnish because  her grandfather is from Finland. She is 21 years old. She is not a student. She has got one brother and one sister. She has got a dog. She is from Melbourne, a big city. She likes Italy and the Italian food. Her favourite sport is Australian football. Her favourite music is rock of the 80's and her favourite band is Hunters and the collectors.

She can speak Italian very well and her favourite subject at school was Italian.

On the second day we asked about Australian culture and then we made a poster with all the information about Australia and Elizabeth.

We listened to the Australian National anthem.

Here there is our final creation!

Qui sopra, l'intervista che abbiamo fatto in classe. Sotto, invece, le foto del cartellone che racconta l'Australia.

I particolari del cartellone... cliccate sulle foto che vi interessano per ingrandirle e leggere i contenuti! Ci siamo divertiti moltissimo!